If you're ready to pull your head out of the sand, let's work together to make work suck less
What it is
An offering that uncovers what actually matters to your team.
We'll find out what sucks the most and what's driving people to look for greener pastures.
We'll train you on change leadership and help you develop realistic improvement plans.
What it's not
Recommendations for kombucha taps, trust falls, casual Friday, or a 12x12 matrix of transformation that will never be achieved.
What makes our program different
We focus on change leadership.
We enable you to make positive change instead of depending on us.
What you get
- a hitlist of problems to solve
- the skills to drive lasting change
- a realistic, actionable project plan that you can run
We don't make you dependent on us. We give you what you need to drive continuous improvement yourself.